
Intermittent Fasting 101

Intermittent Fasting 101

What is Intermittent Fasting?
Intermittent fasting (commonly known as IF) is the practice of going for prolonged periods without eating. There are lots of ways to do it, including meal skipping, alternate day fasting, and others. 

There’s evidence that intermittent fasting—when done properly, in the right people—might help with the following:
  Regulate blood glucose
  Control blood lipids, like triglycerides
  Reduce the risk of coronary disease
  Manage body weight
  Help you gain (or maintain) lean mass
  Reduce the risk of cancer,   
……and more.

So, this makes IF a popular choice for lots of people!

Want to give Intermittent Fasting a try? Sign up HERE for Fueled for GOD Health Coaching (it’s FREE) and we’ll get you started.
Jackie Davis, PNL1 & L2 Health Coach

Elimination Diet 101

Elimination Diet 101

Elimination Diets pretty much do exactly what the name suggests. They exclude certain foods for a short period of time—usually 3 weeks.  Following that period of time, you slowly reintroduce specific foods and monitor your symptoms for any reactions.

Why do an elimination diet?
Think of it as a science experiment to help you identify any food sensitivities and intolerances. Unlike food allergies—which involve the immune system—food sensitivities occur when the gut reacts poorly to specific foods and ingredients.

What are the benefits of an elimination diet?
Elimination diets help you to collect and analyze empirical evidence, using experimentation and observation based on what happens in your body as you change what you eat. 

Without an elimination diet, you can only guess about causes and their effects. 

Interested in trying an Elimination Diet? Sign up HERE for Fueled for GOD Health Coaching (it’s FREE) and we’ll get you started on that path to weight loss and wellness!
Jackie Davis, PNL1 & L2 Health Coach